They love arts and crafts. Michele bought them some
Popsicle sticks, glue, and letters, and they created these

Will's project is not pictured above because in typical boy fashion, he just made a mess, ripped up his paper, and ran away laughing. He could have cared less about the finished product. He probably crapped his pants right after just to illustrate what he really thought of the activity.

Abby and Marie got new outfits for gymnastics. They wear them a lot--not just to gymnastics. Will also got a new muscle shirt for gymnastics because his huge guns felt so confined by shirts with sleeves. :)

These are from the farm where we went to pick blueberries. The blueberries had been picked over, and we ended leaving after an hour of hot, sweaty picking with exactly 51 cents worth of blueberries. We ate them in the car on the way home within 5 minutes.
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