We had a little family party for them. Abby was the life of the party, and Marie did great also. Will, however, was completely overwhelmed by all the people in his house. Whenever he was around a big group, he would cry and cry. It was just pitiful. He's typically so goofy and smiley. It was sad to see him like that, and I felt bad that nobody got to see his cute little personality. Maybe next year.
They have all been picking up new skills. Everyone now pulls up to a stand and cruises around. Abby will even stand for a few seconds at a time without holding on to anything. Marie is an eating machine. She loves finger food. She will eat pretty much anything you put in front of her. I'm always careful to cut everything up into tiny pieces, but she picks up 5 or 6 little pieces and shoves them in her mouth at the same time. Her favorite food is what we call "cheesy poofs." These are basically baby cheetos, and they are delicious. She also likes broccoli, tortellini, strawberry cereal bars, and veggie meatballs. Abby also likes the finger food, but she's not quite as good at it as Marie. Will doesn't even let me put the food tray in front of him. He wants nothing to do with finger food.
Michele said that yesterday morning, she put the cereal bars on the trays in front of all the kids, and Abby and Marie started eating theirs. Will, however, looked at them like they were the craziest thing he had ever seen, and he looked at Michele and made his gopher face (I'll upload a picture of that in the next post). Sometimes, Will couples the gopher face with a strange dolphin-like sound he makes. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.
Abby is probably the most advanced with how much she understands and interacts. She waves when you say "hola" or "adios." She loves our wedding pictures that we have hanging up on the wall. When you ask her "donde estan las fotos de mommy y daddy" she points up to the pictures. She is constantly pointing to things, and we have to identify what each and every thing is.
They all love the "Hot Diggity Dog" song from "The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." When it comes on tv, they stop whatever they are doing and stare at the screen. Then, Abby and Will dance...well, they sway a lot. Marie just smiles.

We put their triplet table outside and gave them each a smash cake. We thought they would make a huge mess that would need to be hosed down, but nobody smashed his/her cake. Marie just skimmed her hand over the frosting, but that was about it. They all started to cry, and we had to give up on it.

Happy Birthday to the trips! I can't believe it's already been a year. They are beautiful! Can't wait to meet them in December!
Happy Birthday sweet babies! Hope to see you all very soon. They are growing so fast.
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