Every year, it seems like my blogging becomes very sporadic by end the end of November. The problem is, I get busy online shopping for Christmas, and I neglect my blogging audience. Sorry folks, but there are lots of gifts to buy and not a lot of computer time for me. I'll have to hit the highlights since the last time I blogged.
1. Thanksgiving happened. We went to my dad's for lunch and then, came home for naps. After that, we headed to the
Eklund's for an afternoon snack and goodies. By goodies, I mean wine. Yum. We thought the kids would be exhausted, but as usual, they were jacked up and didn't sleep well. Check out my little turkeys below...

2. We still don't sleep. I'm still tired. All the time. Abby is the worst. Sleep training is in full force (again). When she cries, she gets one warning, and if she doesn't quiet down, she goes into the one crib that we still have set up in the office. After a few nights, she got the point, but it took about 4 trips to the crib. The next night, she threw up in the middle of the night, and I brought her to our bed to keep an eye on her. This set us back, and she started to think she could sleep with us again. After that, she ended up in the crib several times the next couple of nights. Still working on it.
Will, on the other hand, is sleeping like a baby.....
3. Speaking of Will, he fell in love this month. We had friends in town over Thanksgiving, and we visited with the Komorners who have a little girl, Katie. Well, the trio fell in love with her. She read to them, put on their leash backpacks and paraded them through the house, ate with them, etc. They asked about her for days. Look at the way Will is staring at her below. Okay, the outfit is bit crazy, but when you have boots that cool, you don't want to cover them with pants. Pull-ups and boots are a fashion statement. All the cool kids are pulling this off this season.
4. Will fell down one day and got a bloody lip. When the girls saw how you treat a bloody lip, they wanted in on that action. 
5. Abby and Marie are deciding on career paths.
Marie may opt to be a scientist...see how she mixes stuff up in bowls and cups...or maybe a chef.
Abby may be going to vet school...at UGA, of course. Check her out as she examines Winnie.
Abby reconsidered and decided to be a swami. I'm not sure what a swami does, but this is the appropriate attire, correct? Ballerina jammies and a scarf wrapped around your head.
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