Everyone came along right on schedule Friday afternoon, July 11th. Not sure it could have gone any smoother. Here's the basic info:
(listed in order of appearance)
Abigail Eileen (Abby): 5 lbs., 14 oz.
Marie Liane (Marie): 5 lbs., 3 oz.
William Roland (Will): 5 lbs., 6 oz.
All terrific weights for triplets. Amazingly, all three went straight to the normal nursery here at the hospital (as opposed to the neonatal intensive care unit)...apparently this is completely unheard of, so we're thrilled. If all continues to go this well, the three amigos along with mom will be ready to come home tomorrow. As you'll see, Leslie did a wonderful job "cookin'" these babies (as she like to say). They're absolutely beautiful.
The doctors and nurses have been terrific here at Piedmont. If it's possible, I think some of the staff might be more excited than we are to see 36 week triplets with no need for the NICU! (But trust me, we're much more excited than they are.)
Thanks to everyone for all your love, support, calls, texts, emails, and kind thoughts.
(Sorry we couldn't get these pics up sooner, but we quickly realized we had the camera and laptop, nut were missing the USB cable to connect the two. I had to run back home quickly, so here's a few of my favorite photos from days 1 & 2! Enjoy. Of course, many many more to come...)

So happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet the three bambinos.
-The Cheeks
Congrats! We are so glad everyone is happy and healthy. We are looking forward to meeting the little munchkins.
I am so happy for you both. All three looks so healthy...you really did an amazing job.
All the best!
THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations! Hurrah!
Seeing those 3 beautiful little babies all swaddled up together is.....incredible! We are so happy for you. Talk about showing off...we couldn't believe the sizes!
Can't wait to meet them and see Daddy try to carry all 3 at once! We know Mommy can do it! Congrats.
Hooray Hooray Hooray!!!
Great photos...Congrats. What a beautiful family!!
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