Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May Photos

Billy decided we needed new "professional" photos of the kids, and to save some cash, he decided he would be our photographer. I don't think he'll ever do that takes a lot of patience. He got some really good shots, and he retouched a bunch of them, but he did them on Picasa so the ones with special effects aren't here. Sorry, but you get the idea. The babies are adorable with or without airbrushing. Mom, on the other hand, really likes those effects and plans to use them the next time she has her picture taken.

Here's topless Will screaming and laughing at the same time.

We thought that getting a good picture of all of them together was difficult when they were only 3 months old, but it's even harder now. Since they are mobile, they simply crawl away whenever they don't feel like being our little clowns. When they can walk, it will be insanity!
Marie looks hilarious. The smile on her face is too cute. Abby is showing off her clapping skills. Will is just staring...typical Will.

This was the morning after the photo shoot. It appears that Abby is very concerned that this day is not going to go well.

I had to get in a picture of poor, pitiful Winnie. I like how she has her head on a boppy pillow. She's such a spoiled dog that she even has to put her head on a pillow to sleep! Anyway, check out her new half-shaved looked. We have to keep her on leash a lot so that we can keep her under control...well, at least somewhat. Winnie is never really "under control."

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