Sorry I haven't had much time to blog it out. I am super busy with work right now, and I'm heading into a very hectic travel season. However, I have so many cute pictures, and I wanted to at least get those up here for you all to enjoy!
Also, I wanted to give a weight and length update from their 15 month checkup:
Abby is 23 lbs, 5 ozs (55th percentile) and 32 1/4 inches (90th percentile).
Will is 22 lbs, 5 ozs (25th percentile) and 31 1/4 inches (50th percentile).
Marie is 21 lbs, 4 ozs (35th percentile) and 30 7/8 inches (55th percentile).

We went to Lily's birthday party, and it was cold out! Marie barfed in the car on the way there so we arrived in style...with a baby covered in vomit. Anyway, they had tons of fun at the party. They had a petting zoo and pony rides. We'll get some pics of the pony rides posted later.

Look at Abby's crazy hair. It's super curly, and when she wakes up from naps, it's all over the place.

Will and Abby crammed themselves into this tiny corner. Soon, a fight broke out, and we had to separate them. Alice wants me to post a video of baby's fighting. I'll have to instigate something and get out the recorder.

Is that a daycare center? No, it's our family room. Toys everywhere!

This was last month, but I forgot to get the picture up, and it's too cute not to post. Here is our trio, along with several of Billy's friends children. From right to left, we have the Sce Twins, The Zeigler trips, Ben Elliott, and Carina Magnus. So many adorable kids!

Our belly button bandit, Marie. She's totally obsessed with it. Always pokes at it. I have to clean it out every couple of days with an alcohol swab because I'm afraid she's going to get an infection from all the touching.

Abby decided she was not tired enough to take a morning nap in her bed, but she needed to rest her eyes when lunch time rolled around. We are working on trying to get them down to one nap a day, and it's not going so well. Can you tell?
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