These are all pictures that
Mems took. Some are taken at her house, others at our house, and others while she was on the go with babies last month.

Marie is fresh out of the tub at
Marmie's in this picture. We gave
Mems bath-time supplies as part of her Christmas presents so that she could have more fun time bathing little ones at her house. It's also nice to get a clean baby returned to us so we don't have to worry about baths! We usually give them baths every other night, but when a baby is loaned out, he/she may miss a bath and then, he/she will be dirty for another 2 days. We love our babies squeaky clean!
On a side note to that, Michele babysat for Liane a couple of weeks ago and had to spend some quality time cleaning out Chloe's fat neck. She said it was seriously crusty in there. She's got rolls of fat, and it's tough to get the old milk out of there. YUCK!

Will and Marie were all dressed up for Christmas in this picture. My Aunt sent these outfits for them. They were very fancy.

Will looks like a gap model in this picture with his collar coming through his sweater like that. He just has that precious little smirk on his face. It's too much!

This is what
Marmie referred to as his "midget" pose. He looks like a tiny little midget boy. Can you believe how strong he is? He's just standing there like it's nothing.

Abby is lounging on
Marmie's couch in her little outfit and matching beret. Doesn't she look like a little French girl?
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