Notice Will's shoes? Mems took us shoe shopping last week! Everyone got a new pair at Stride Rite. They were having a buy one, get one 1/2 off sale. We had their tiny feet measured, and Mems sprung for some new kicks. They are so cute! Thanks, Mems.
Here is the roller coaster. They aren't scared on it, but they aren't exactly thrilled. They act somewhat indifferent whenever we send them coasting. Don't you think they would have some sort of reaction? Weird.
Abby is looking sweet after Mems blew out her hair. I guess it really didn't take long, since she has hardly any hair. Mems is looking forward to when she can take the girls for manis and pedis.
Abby is looking awesome in her bikini. How cute is this?
Abby is totally chill in the rocker. She's just watching some Mickey Mouse clubhouse and drinking a tall bottle of whole milk. Does life get any better?
My dad came to help with her one night, and he put her in her stroller and walked in circles inside our house from 12-2 a.m. She fell asleep in the stroller, and he let her rest there for about an hour. Then, she woke up and he held her until she went back to sleep. At that point, he put her up in her room, and she stayed down. However, since he wasn't sure how long it would last, he decided to sleep on the floor in her room. My dad is too old to be sleeping on the floor...damn, I'm too old to sleep on the floor. Poor Papa!
Will is our little bully. He bites Marie like crazy, and yesterday, he bit Abby in the face. Today, however, the girls decided to beat him up. I guess they started learning about "girl power." He was covered with bite marks. I hope this biting stage slows down soon. They are like wild beasts.
Will has also gotten much better at eating. His favorite food is peas! He gobbles them up whenever we put them on his plate. Marie loves green beans. Abby is fond of veggie meatballs. They actually all love the meatballs, but Mems hates for me to give them to them because she says they poop out what looks like meatballs at her house.
I think that wraps up the baby business for now. I need to update more often. I've fallen way behind this month. I started working full time a couple of weeks ago, and things have been incredibly hectic since then. I miss my part-time schedule, but unfortunately, we can't afford for me to live a life of part-time leisure. Oh well. I bought a lotto ticket today so let's hope it solves all our problems!

So, Abby is walking now! She was taking a couple of steps at a time for a several weeks, but on Monday, she just let go of the gate she was holding on to, and walked 5 or 6 steps right to me. Billy and I were in shock. We just stared at her and then each other. It's amazing to see her moving like that! Will and Marie kind of watched her, and their expressions were like, "What the hell is she doing?" Soon enough, they will want to do the same thing. 3 walkers? We're in big trouble.
Marie had a rough weekend and early part of the week. She was teething, had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic we gave her for an ear infection, and who knows what else. She was generally just a mess! It was so hard to deal with her because she was literally up all night for 3 nights, and she only wanted me. I slept about 8 hours total over a 3 night period. Not pretty. It was worse than when they were newborns.
My dad came to help with her one night, and he put her in her stroller and walked in circles inside our house from 12-2 a.m. She fell asleep in the stroller, and he let her rest there for about an hour. Then, she woke up and he held her until she went back to sleep. At that point, he put her up in her room, and she stayed down. However, since he wasn't sure how long it would last, he decided to sleep on the floor in her room. My dad is too old to be sleeping on the floor...damn, I'm too old to sleep on the floor. Poor Papa!
Will is our little bully. He bites Marie like crazy, and yesterday, he bit Abby in the face. Today, however, the girls decided to beat him up. I guess they started learning about "girl power." He was covered with bite marks. I hope this biting stage slows down soon. They are like wild beasts.
Will has also gotten much better at eating. His favorite food is peas! He gobbles them up whenever we put them on his plate. Marie loves green beans. Abby is fond of veggie meatballs. They actually all love the meatballs, but Mems hates for me to give them to them because she says they poop out what looks like meatballs at her house.
I think that wraps up the baby business for now. I need to update more often. I've fallen way behind this month. I started working full time a couple of weeks ago, and things have been incredibly hectic since then. I miss my part-time schedule, but unfortunately, we can't afford for me to live a life of part-time leisure. Oh well. I bought a lotto ticket today so let's hope it solves all our problems!
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