What will the kids be when they grow up???

Three little chefs? This was taking at their twin cousins' "make your own pizza" birthday party.
Abby and Marie like to dress up as ballerinas. Maybe that's what they'll do! I always loved ballet.

Wait, perhaps Will wants to be a ballerina. This is a dress up outfit that they received as a gift. Rose wanted to put it on Abby or Marie when she was visiting us last week, but neither one of them wanted to wear it. Will gladly stepped up and offered to play dress up. He said, "
aqui" ("here, here") and pointed to himself when the girls said, "no." Sweet man!

They may be gymnasts! They have this trick where they hang on to the edge of the table and swing back and forth. They are strong...and daring. Very scary combination.

Will is also considering a future in the construction business. I guess he would have to be a ballerina on the weekends if he chooses to do both.
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