Last Thursday morning, Marie would not let Michele put a diaper on her in the morning. Billy had bought a pack of pull-ups a couple of weeks ago, as we started thinking we may potty train at some point. Michele tried sitting her on the potty, and she peed. Then, she put one of the pull-ups on her, and Marie was thrilled. She proceeded to pee in the potty all morning long--like 6 times, and have dry pull-up until lunchtime. Crazy! Will and Abby also wanted these big girl/boy pants, and they also peed in the potty all morning. They had a couple of accidents, but hey, I can't complain.
We have kept it up most of the weekend, but it was a little difficult because the kids "traveled." Will spent Saturday night at my dad's. Marie was off to Rose's house, and it was "Abby's turn, Mimi's house," as they like to say. They took their potty seats and pull ups, and tried to keep it up, but with all the distractions at different houses, it was hard for them to concentrate.

I don't have one of Will to share. Sorry!
The reason for all the baby shuffling was that Billy and I had a date night. We got to enjoy a dinner out and a comedy show at the Tabernacle--not to mention a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Ahhh! Date nights are not overrated.
I think we'll do another week of pull-ups and then transition to underwear. I have no idea how this all works since I hadn't really researched it, and I'm basically just following their lead. How is it possible that three two-year-olds can potty train themselves?
I e-mailed my family and told them about this latest development, and this was Liane's response:
"Hmm, I'm curious if this keeps up or is just a fad for today! If it works though then I'm totally jealous and think it's not at all fair you didn't have to deal with the whole disaster. You suck!"
I wrote her back and informed her that it's not my fault she gave me all the genius eggs she had.
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