We had our doctor's office visit this week, and my babies are so grown up! I can't even believe it.
Abby: 28 lbs (70
th percentile) and 36 inches (95
th percentile)
Will: 26 lbs (20
th percentile) and 35 1/2 inches (70
th percentile)
Marie: 26 lbs (45
th percentile) and 35 inches (50
th percentile)

Don't tell them they aren't still babies.

Titi gave them this easel for their
bday. Michele bought some enormous chalk for them to play with!

Abby has enough hair for a pony tail! Can you see it in the picture above? It's so cute!!

They all now eat at the "big table" with their booster seats scooted up to it. They look so big this way! We've also been weaning...finally! We'll be done with
sippy cups just in time for preschool. Yes, they are starting school next week! They got a little postcard in the mail from the teachers telling them they'll be eating goldfish,
nilla wafers, and pretzels for snacks.
Hmm, what else will they be doing? I'm paying a lot of money for a bunch of snacks. We get to meet the teacher next week. I'll let you know how that goes.
We figure after a couple of months in school, we will begin the potty training adventures. That should be fun. Then, we'll almost be ready for big girl and boy beds! Time is going by way too fast.

This one is funny of Will hamming it up for the camera.
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