We had a blast in
Destin this year again! Every year, it gets a little easier, and the kids have more and more fun! Thanks to everyone who joined us and made it so much fun--Mimi, Bill, my dad, and Maureen. Thank you to Mimi also for being our official photographer!
We stayed in a little house in Crystal Beach this year. The house was about a block away from the water. We had a private pool, which was so much fun. We could play and splash and not worry about disturbing others.
Most days consisted of beach time from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Coming in for lunch and naps and then, either hitting the pool before dinner and eating in or getting ready and heading out for a restaurant. Then, the kids and all adults would pass out around 9 p.m. GLORIOUS!

Here's Marie giving Daddy a kiss. I think she's trying to butter him up so that he'll toss her around the pool. They all would fight over this baby float that they called "
tortuga" (turtle in Spanish).

Here's Will flying high on

Billy bought them each a kite. That kept them interested for about 5 minutes. I think the adults enjoyed flying them more than the kids.

Will liked to relax on the float. He looks so small on that big float.

The kids were great at motoring around the pool with their little floats on. They learned so much at swim lessons this year.

Will and Abby really liked getting buried in the sand. Abby was especially fond of rubbing sand all over her body. Yuck. Marie was much better in the sand than last year, but she wasn't willing to get buried regularly.

Holding hands, buried.

We visited The Track again this year. The kids enjoyed the rides. Will wanted to ride the go-carts, but he wasn't big enough. The next morning after we went, he woke up and said, "I grew. Can I go ride the cars?" Next year, buddy.

Here they are swinging at The Track.

There was a tree outside the beach house they liked to climb. They called the house, "our little beach house." They would ask when they were coming back to their "Winnie house." I guess they think of our home as a dog house.

Miss Abby in her perfectly coordinated beach attire--she had a Little Mermaid bathing suit, hat, and sunglasses. Mimi outdid herself!

They loved splashing in the surf. It was so cute to watch them run around and giggle and splash. Really great memories.

We stopped at the same gas station on the way there and back. It had big trucks in the parking lot. We just couldn't stay away!
Now, we have the vacation countdown until next year. 365 days is a long time!
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