Here is a picture of Cooper dead asleep when he came to visit me and the babies at the hospital. He slept in this chair the entire time he was in the room, and he didn't believe he had been to see the babies after they left.
Since Cooper and Carley moved to town, I've gotten to spend more time with them and talk to Liane more so I get to hear and experience all kinds of stories about their adventures. Lately, Cooper has been saying some of the funniest stuff.
Alice and Kibby recently had their entire kitchen and family room remodeled. When Cooper went to visit after the project had nearly been completed, he said, "Awice, your kitchen looks vewy nice. You must be vewy pweased." Where did he come up with that?
Kibby told Cooper that he was going to be out of town for a few days, and Cooper responded, "I'll miss you, but I'll twy to stay busy." Hilarious!
Cooper and Carley recently started taking lessons at a place that offers all kinds of kids' activities. Carley is taking ballet, and Cooper was taking soccer. However, after a couple of soccer classes, Cooper decided that he did not like soccer, but he did want to take up ballet since Carley was enjoying it so much. Needless to say, Jason was not having any of it. Cooper will be staying out of ballet. He told Alice, "I don't like soccer. My mommy was vewy disappointed."
Cooper attended a camp for "Pirates and Princesses" last week with Rose. Rose came home and reported to Vivian that Cooper had not talked to her all day long. When Liane questioned Cooper about it, he said, "Mommy, there were lots of boys and girls there. I sat next to Rose." He's a busy man. I guess he had a lot of networking to do and figured he could talk to Rose any time.
By the way, Billy bought me a new laptop so I can blog more often. I can also get more pictures of the babies up. I'll work on that some tomorrow. I have my follow-up appointment with my ob tomorrow morning. Hopefully, everything is looking good in my land down under.
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